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Your Not Stuck!

Do you ever feel like you’re not living your ideal lifestyle or working in your ideal job? Do you feel like you’re stuck, and you can’t get out?

It’s more common than you think. While many have stable careers and satisfying lifestyles, there are plenty of people out there searching for more, but believe they are: too old, too busy, too inexperienced, or just too fearful of change to break out of their situation.

Plenty of physicians have told me that they are not happy with their work situation and would make a big change, if they only knew how. Unfortunately, many feel that their specialized medical training didn’t leave room for them to branch out and create the lifestyle that they always dreamed of.

The good news is that you’re not stuck. Wherever you are now is a result of who you have been up to this point. Where you are going entirely depends on who you become going forward –– and you have control of that.

Just because you started your professional life labelled as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, salesman or computer genius, it does not mean you must complete your journey with that label. In fact, you can have multiple titles.

I wanted my title to be athlete, but that didn’t work out, so I became a doctor. That was a good gig, but it didn’t give me the promise of the awesome life that I wanted, so I added the title of entrepreneur and real estate investor. I still have the doctor label, but the other titles have added to my lifestyle.

I had no training in any of these disciplines when I started, going all the way back to sports. Everybody starts as a rookie, but we get better as we practice and study. We learn from mistakes and we learn from others. Eventually, competence and expertise develop.

No matter where you are in your life and your profession, you’re not stuck, and you can write your own future. There are infinite resources available to you, but keep in mind that nobody will do it for you.

I learned about investing and real estate while I ran a full-time medical practice. I’ve seen others dive into other areas that not only provided income but provided a spark that made them want to get out of bed every morning.

None of us did it right the first time and we all stubbed our toes at one point. But slowly the process takes shape and slowly the income starts to appear. As you develop some passive income, you will find you have more control over your time, and you can begin to undo the things that make you feel stuck.

If you commit deliberate and consistent action, you will soon see your efforts multiply along with your options.

Read the right books, go to seminars that teach what you want to learn and get a coach to guide you through the process. I was coached by athletes, doctors and entrepreneurs on my journey. They were worth every penny and every minute of practice.

Most of the doctors I speak to across the country are caring, well-rounded, intelligent people. Many are searching for improvement in their lifestyle. I have no doubt they will make it –– as long as they realize that they have their future in their hands.

Sometimes the hardest part is taking the first step and getting started. Don’t let doubts hold you back. Maintain a hunger for new knowledge. Embrace the inevitable mistakes (and the lessons that accompany them.) Get unstuck and create your future.

You’ve got this!



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