Accelerated Real Estate Investor

Tom Burns, a former orthopedic surgeon and physician for the US ski team, shares his journey to financial independence and offers advice on how others can achieve the same. He emphasizes the importance of investing for cash flow and building multiple streams of income. Tom also discusses his transition from medicine to real estate and the benefits of being financially independent. He encourages listeners to start small, gain education, and surround themselves with like-minded individuals. Tom shares his favorite books and thought leaders that have influenced his journey to financial independence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Financial independence is about having assets that produce cash flow, not just a high income.
  • Start small and focus on cash flow when investing in real estate.
  • Passive income allows for more freedom and choice in life.
  • Surround yourself with people who are heading in the same direction or have achieved what you want to achieve.
  • Celebrate small wins and use active patience to compound your success.


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