A Little Enthusiasm Goes a Long Way

Today was “Student Day” at church.

It was a big departure from the regular service, and it was fun!

The biggest thing I noticed was the enthusiasm of the middle school and high school-aged students. They were excited to be on stage and excited to sing and share their joy.

It was infectious.

I went home smiling and humming upbeat music. For some reason, I accomplished a lot the rest of the day.

Why did today have to be different than any other day?

Wouldn’t it be great if every day gave us the opportunity to be enthused and excited? It sure beats checking off things on a task list just to say you got them done. Too often we mindlessly navigate each day until it’s over, rather than enjoying the experience that life offers us.

I think sometimes we lose sight of the fact that each day and each relationship is a gift. That’s understandable. Life is hard, and there are constant challenges that cut deep and cause us pain.

Those challenges won’t go away, but we have the power to choose how we face them. So why not try a little enthusiasm?

The word “enthusiasm” can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The word “en” mean in, and “theos” means God. Combined, the word “entheos” meant to be divinely inspired. Later this developed into “enthusiasmos,” which still implied divine inspiration, often produced by certain kinds of music.

This is not a spiritual discussion, but how much different would your day be if you felt “divinely inspired?”

That might be a tall order, but a little extra enthusiasm might have an outsized effect on your daily experience.

How would your patients or clients respond to you if you greeted them with an enthusiastic attitude? Would your children or spouse listen to you a little more closely? How many more people would invest in your newest project or business?

I don’t have the answers, but I’ve always read and been taught that passion and enthusiasm are key ingredients for success. At the least, your day will be more fun and people will want to be around you. A little enthusiasm will make your glass half full, and then you’ll have more to share.

It doesn’t cost anything to try.

Until next time!



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